Wednesday 6 August 2008

Girls Power 'Twilight,' 'Sisterhood' Success

This Friday, at midnight, as you walk out of the movies with your loved ones, take a peek at the Barnes & Noble next to the theater, and you're likely to see thousands of teen girls � along with their moms and maybe even grandmothers � seamed up extinct front.

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They'll be eagerly awaiting their copies of "Breaking Dawn," the twenty-five percent and final book in Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight" serial, a lamia romance saga that has launched a fanaticism not seen since the likes of "Harry Potter."

The offset three books in the series receive sold a combined 8 million copies worldwide. That's staggering, considering the high-end print guide for a teen novel is five hundred,000. In fact, Entertainment Weekly ran a encompass story on the author and her "Twilighters" -- what the fans accept dubbed themselves -- as they appurtenance up for what many bookstores consume dubbed Vampire Weekend.

The success of the books has spawned a hotly anticipated film version, due to hit theaters Dec. 12 and prima Kristen Stewart ("The Messengers," "Panic Room") as Bella, an medium mortal girl who falls hard for a godlike vampire. Fans have been tracking every move of the film's production on the Web and tied sporting T-shirts that define whether they're Team Edward or Team Jacob, playing out the love triangle in the books.

But "Twilight" is hardly the only when teen novel to fix the big-screen treatment. "Harry Potter" aside, there's crowing bucks to be made in